Abby @ Happy Cats
BREAKING NEWS! Thanks to all of YOU, we have raised enough money to fund surgery on BOTH of Abby’s eyes. One of our fabulous volunteers, Kim, will be fostering her during her recuperation. We hope to get video of Abby as she sees the world for the first time. Check back for updates!

Abby was found when kind Susan stopped at a stop sign in Old Colorado City, only to watch a very pregnant white cat circle her car twice. Susan figured it was a sign the cat needed help, so she took her in.

Abby & Kittens

Abby & KittensShe named the cat Abby and was there for her as she birthed and raised her kittens. Abby was a good mom, always attentive to her four babies. She would wave her paw over the babies, which seemed a bit odd to Susan, but she’d never had a mom cat before so she didn’t have a point of reference.

Susan had enough pets, so she brought in Abby and her kittens to Happy Cats. We also thought it was odd the way she had a hard time finding treats and in her extreme terror at being picked up.


One day, we thought to move a finger in front of her face. She didn’t follow it. She could see shadows coming at her, but she couldn’t see that. We found out Abby is blind.

Abby @ Happy Cats

Her babies all found wonderful homes, but Abby stayed behind. As you can see, she is quite the flirt and loves to be around people, purring and kneading all the time. She is very resourceful, able to navigate not only a colony that doesn’t change but one in the chaos of having its daily cleaning. She even goes for walks around the shelter in her little pink halter. She does fine with a few other cats, even a few kittens. We have even seen her playing with some of the kittens in Colony 4.
Abby @ Happy Cats

However, if a cat or kitten decides to bother her, she has a hard time defending herself and can only retreat into hiding. Because our colonies are full, she’s now living in our new double condo in the reception area. It also means she has to be adopted by herself or with just the right cat or dog.

Abby @ Happy CatsA kind donor funded an initial visit for Abby with Dr Dugan of Eye Specialists for Animals. He found out she has cataracts but is a good candidate for surgery, especially since she’s still a youngster at around 2 years old.

If Abby can see, even partially, it means she has a better chance of interacting normally with other animals. This opens up her adoption possibilities immensely.

The total cost for both eyes for Abby is around $3,350. You can imagine that could go a long way for the health care of many other happy cats.


Abby out for a walkA successful operation for a single eye will change Abby’s life, allowing her to be the social animal she was meant to be. To give Abby a shot at a better life, our donor has offered to fund the $2,500 surgery on one eye. Most of the set-up costs will be for that first eye, so the second one will only be $850.

Abby’s surgery date is September 24th. If we are to fix both of Abby’s eyes, we have until September 7th to raise that money. So far we have received $200 toward Abby’s second eye. Can you help? You can make a sweet happy cat even happier! Just click on the button below or drop by and meet her in person. (Any funds that we receive beyond Abby’s costs will go into our Health Fund for the next cat or kitten in need).

Abby @ Happy Cats

We are a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation is fully tax-deductible. The volunteers and cats thank you!